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Jun 2013

Promoting safe and efficient mobility in Madrid


On 6 June 2013, the Spanish Association of Automotive Suppliers SERNAUTO organised the workshop “The Spanish automotive industry in a global market”, which was held in the framework of the CLEPA annual General Assembly, taking place in Madrid this year. Chaired by the Spanish Minister for industry, tourism and energy, Mr José Manuel Soria López, the panellists, including CLEPA President Peter Tyroller and Sernauto President Jose Mª Pujol Artigas, discussed not only the role of globalisation and innovation leadership in the European automotive industry, but also underlined the importance of safe, smart and energy efficient mobility.  “Together with FIA, ACEA, ERTICO and VTT, CLEPA is a partner to the iMobility challenge project whose objective is to demonstrate the benefits of safe, smart and clean mobility.  iMobility, in particular “cooperative systems”, make it possible for cars to communicate with one another and with the road. Technologies such as eCall save lives and help create jobs and growth in Europe”, said CLEPA President Mr Tyroller.  The workshop at the Spanish Ministry of industry, tourism and energy attracted more than 200 stakeholders from Spanish politics, administration and industry and therefore proved to be an excellent opportunity to promote the iMobility Challenge project.

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